One Way to Never Run Out of Content or Ideas

Never Run Out Content Ideas

I have a secret. Except it’s not a very good secret, because literally anyone can do it. And I’m fairly certain many already do. Nonetheless, it works 100% of the time (for me), and I should really do it far more often.

Many of you – probably not everyone, but most – are in a similar situation as me. That is, you’re in a position where you’re responsible for creating, coming up with ideas, or in some way offering advice or expertise. That’s not an easy thing to do day-in and day-out! It’s not uncommon to struggle with what you should say next. But this can help.

Creating content or giving some kind of consultation is all about providing answers to people’s questions. When you’re struggling with creating something – at least, this is the case with me – it’s because you’re (I’m) not sure what question there is to answer. The solution, then, would be to access some legendary bank of questions relating to your industry, right?

The solution is simple enough that you might feel I’ve been yanking your chain. When I need to find questions for which I can provide answers, I go to Quora. If you’re not familiar with Quora, it’s more or less an open forum for anything relating to work, business, technology, or anything else professional. And it’s somehow devoid of internet trolls, which is a miracle all on its own. If you don’t have a Quora account, I’d suggest you go setup an account right now. It’s free, and here’s how it helps.

People get on Quora and ask questions, to which they want legitimate answers. You’re awesome at what you do, and can provide those legitimate answers! You can filter questions by your industry or some other category, and see recent and popular questions. When you find a question you know the answer to, you can provide an answer in as little or as much detail as you like. For this purpose, I’d suggest providing more detail, so long as it still adds value.

Then you can take your answer to that question (or several answers to several questions), and turn it into your own content for your own site(s) and audience! It’s so, so simple, but it works so well. Truthfully, I should do this more often, because it would give me a better idea of what answers and information people are looking for. But it is one of my go-to’s for getting over writer’s block, or generally getting out of a funk.

If you want more ideas for content, your blog, your audience – for any reason, getting on Quora and surfing through questions is a great way to get the gears turning. It also enables you to create reusable content. An answer you give on Quora is probably worth sharing somewhere else. Plus, Quora has a very large audience of its own that you can utilize to flash your expertise.

People get answers. You get exposure. Your brand gets reusable content. It’s a win-win-win.

One thought on “One Way to Never Run Out of Content or Ideas


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