Comments on: 4 Things Successful People Never Do Content on Business, Inspiration, and Life Mon, 08 Jun 2015 23:03:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: kennethburke74 Sun, 13 Apr 2014 11:46:14 +0000 I laid out what I mean by success, which is different than what you’re viewing it as. I agree with your opinions, but this isn’t me spitting out my beliefs. This is me relaying what I’ve heard time and time again from those in a position as I defined. I’m glad it’s stirred you to have some type of emotion, but really every point you made is simply misinterpreting what I said. Sleeping in – I never said didn’t get enough sleep; failure – fear was never mentioned; it’s not acceptable; dress – I said it varied for everyone; method – refer to the coaching analogy. I don’t think you’re wrong in what you say; I think you’re overthinking what this post is meant to say.


By: Grit and Wonder Sun, 13 Apr 2014 07:00:04 +0000 Seems a potentially narrow lens of success. Are we just talking financial success? Getting to a point of living comfortably with a decent job? Then sure. But what about innovation? Creative success? Those who dare greatly to achieve greatly? You could equally throw out there that: 1) Those who make sure they get adequate sleep rebuild and repair better and faster than those who sleep less – making them more efficient and more physically and emotionally healthy and consequently more successful (See like 98% of psych or fitness articles related to sleep patterns and high performance); 2) Are not afraid of failure, but rather take great risks and fail often on their way to success. The fear of failure is a roadblock towards legitimate innovation, creativity, and change; 3) I’ll give you this one – though what this looks like varies tremendously based on environment and goals. It’s not a suit and tie for everyone; 4) This is the one I disagree with the most. Sure, you’ll be fine if you follow directions and keep your head down… probably. But really achieve? Doubtful. Not every method works best for everyone – whether its triathlon training or writing or running numbers in your cubicle, good work happens when people get into flow. And flow happens when people think creatively and modify their work patterns and behavior based on what works most efficiently. And innovation, change, and the kind of success that makes an individual actually an individual, and actually interesting requires thinking, perhaps not differently, but certainly beyond the numbers put in front of you. If you’re one more number, no different from the rest, with no new ideas, you certainly don’t stand out.

